maybe but they can also bring decent maps from it
Not as of yet. But this was basically to support basic gametypes first so that I could get the feedback so I could improve it for the other gametypes
This is most probably my best work, The Arctic Hawk is a big Space Fighter with a big Cannon, turret defences, weapons and vehicle depots. Below...
The first time I played Blackout, me and my mate immediately decided to glitch and find ways out of the map. and we were rewarded greatly when we...
the ones on heroic dlc don't load up for me
Thanks but my screenshots 'aren't found' at he moment.
My Pictures are currently down so I cannot show you any of the screenshots, atm. This is my first shot at a proper map, it took up to 20+ hours. I...
Yes, please if you could make me one, and try to use my picture in bungie forums please. And in it can you use the forge Hub thing in the corner,...