Yeah. One click of the X button. So that means we have to download the map, go into forge, find the lift, delete it, (X, B, A, Y) leave forge,...
you'd think Bungie would have made an exception to the 'no weapon pickup' for flags. Really isn't much you can do...
That is really, really cool. For Reflection, they needed to have a city that you can see out of the windows- when looking at the correct angle,...
Congratulations for the well deserved mention in this week's Bungie weekly update! Every time people complain to me about forge, I end the game...
This looks really cool. I really like your sails; I made a ship for an invasion map, but ended up just giving up on the sails...
Looks really cool! Queued and I'll play it next time I have a group of friends playing customs. How did you get it so dark? Is it a combination of...
Thanks! Getting everything working in invasion is a real headache...
Map created by: Atomic Bacon, Atomic Flapjack, and RtG Spuriusrex. Anchorage is the old nautical term for a suitable place for a ship to anchor...
Try deleting the object and set the new values fresh. For some reason, a lot of my objects get 'stuck' in their first setting. For example, I...