New England BABY
Sry prosper i was in a bad mood at the time so...
Br br br br br br br br br r br br br br br br br br br br br br br
It looks like an awsome map dude
That looks pretty cool
omg so cool
maybe ill join i build alot of sets so.....
I dont thinkl you can get around 100 but i think you could find something to delete
You dont like Matchmaking?
Name: Flash nade Color: Silver matalic, 100 damdge, Match Making Description: Stuns the enemy and makes them blind for 5 seconds
maybe ask bungie or microsoft
Definetly team swat
No im not to bored of it i just play matchm aking on TS and im fine for hours
Thnx for the rank help it was great
I like them im not going to critisize becouse i suck at screen shots but i really like the flame thrower one
Looks like a great mao definetly looking forward to downloading it
Hey blue i might hit you up on live bexouse i have to get a new xbox and start as recrute and im pissed couse people are gonna call me noob so yeah.
Wow you make me feel bad. What are you Smartass
Damn I guess il take it off
I keep trying to make a good map but i just keep failing