No, it takes 5 to mongoose and 7 to warthog.
Black ops stole my friends too. I would love some customs. GT: RodziR Just remembered, you can use Master list of GTs to play customs to get...
Sniper rifle should be replaced by focus rifle. Focus won't work to vehicles and it won't work for very long range so no sniping across the map.
You could put score to win 5 and score from territory capture to 1, so when you have captured all territories, round ends.
It's easy. Just go to race options and change vehicle to banshee. Now to my idea of scoring. Put checkpoint cover all area, but make it spawn...
If you would show what kind of map you have, people would join with better chances. But I could join, I'm always up for a good ctf match.
I remember this map and it looks like you have done good job with it.
It's a bad ass weapon, good at range, sucks at close quarters.
One of the best city maps I've seen. Good thing about it is that most of the map is cool city what is fun to look. Bad thing is wall coliseum side...
I can't find anything bad to say from the pictures. Would need some hard testing to find flaws, and I don't xbl man power to do that. Map itself...
Could you take overview picture of the map? I can't realize the design.
Good looking map. Just one thing, shotgun and rockets are kind of close each other and it's never good thing to one guy get 2 power weapons.
Great name for the map would be Euthanatos. Random name what doesn't mean anything, but cool.
Map looks interesting. I would love to test it(GT: RodziR). Just one thing, I think you should put falcon and banshee to different sides.
Great idea making humans desperately waiting for pick. There is one thing what I wonder, is falcons turrets powerful? It can be hard to hit falcon...
What is wrong in good aesthetics and gameplay. They didn't change design, they just added aesthetics.
I would love test it myself, but my 5 years old xbl friends wouldn't be good testers. But if you need tester feel free to invite me.
Well, I could join some testing(GT: RodziR). Just send me message when and I see if i can join.
I think everyone should help others without thinking reward. Cause if you help someone, he might just help someone else. It's like training to...
I love this map already. Can't tell much about it, but it looks fresh. Like Foundry with forerunner stuff. And is the hammer fixed or phased. If...