Different camera angles and it does not have to be one continuos take
Type of video: Game-play Name of Map: 2 v2 Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Game-type: Slayer, KOTH and Oddball (perferably KOTH) Description:...
only the drawn pic works i would recommend trying again
The finished prduct is the best it can be and there is a way to get back in if you get out of the basement. dl the map before you jump to...
47: custom power ups give you a certain load out 48: in making the game type you should be aloud to carry the objective and use your load out at...
it's 50% gravity it's only 200 when on the hill --- Please leave some comments on how could improve this
Thx i just fixed sry first post
This is my first map so i would appreciate + comments or construtive critism Story: You find a nice square that gives you points as long as your...