That was my girlfriend playing as the red person. I was having her assassinate me to show her that fixed weapons (that sword was fixed) don't move... : Halo Reach : File Details That.
Hi, I'm an AGLA (American Grifball League of America) admin. Just figured I should tell you, having green team spawns in the game doesn't work,...
His first kill in that video is a betrayal.
Pretty sure they fly over and bomb the covenant after a Spartan victory. They did in the beta anyways.
They're giving you advice, don't respond snippily when you don't hear what you want to hear when you ask people for help. The map definitely...
Both the downwards lifts have a chance of doing minor shield damage. If I had them a bit lower, they wouldn't do shield damage ever, but there'd...
It's nice to be done with it. Every time I thought I was finished, someone would point something out, or suggest something, and I'd have to redo a...
I'm curious, so I'm gonna leave links to his puzzle here. If you decide to try it, let me know how you do. : Halo 3 File Details...
Heh, we both made spiritual successors to Blackout/Guardian, and our two maps are completely different. I love forge. Map looks good, I'ma DL and...
Maybe it's just me, but your images aren't showing up.
Thanks to anyone who's downloaded the map, and thanks to Psychoduck because I did indeed get the idea for that from Oracle. He's given me...
^Thanks Out of curiousity, every time I open this thread, it says the only gametype I selected that it works for is territories, when it works...
So, I did something I promised myself I would never do. I changed the map after releasing it. Links and pictures are updated in the first post....
The name came from the maps people compare it to. Black(out)Guard(ian). Since that made a word, I made it the name.
Hi, this is my new map, Blackguard. Mainly designed for 4v4 team games, I drew my original inspiration for this map from Guardian, though a lot of...
I didn't notice, mainly because I hated Crater, and I was very distracted by the four hunters.
Xbox is broken atm.