It has it's perks but you really don't want OCD, it can be a living nightmare. X( But......moving on the map is spectacular! It's almost like a...
I'm liking the colors but I wouldn't say it's that original. 6/10 [IMG] I like mine but I hate all of Halo 3's body colors, imagine the grey as...
Don't worry, Reach will fix that. It's amazing how you can simply put a few objects together to make the best damn door I've ever seen in a Halo 3...
I think you didn't realize that the Gametype and the map are 2 different links. I recommend putting the map link under the gametype link by one or...
I'm Brass Machine, new to Forge Hub, not new to mapping. You may have seen me around occasionally and I'm trying to get back into Halo forging...
I'm getting faster, a lot faster than I used to be. I seem to be able to control my OCD a little better after each part I place. So I guess we'll...
Well aren't we the pair, both sticking to the same map and keeping that the only entry into the contest. Only difference is your done with...
There's going to be a lot of competition. It's a fight to the death FFA for a comfy beany-bag chair. BRING IT ON!!!!!!
I doing Afghan from MW2. I'm gonna have to go way outside the box to build it, especially for the plane. But I think I can pull it off.
I think you guys are one of the few people who can take a sigh of relief after seeing the object limit message rather than scream in rage. This...
I'm a big fan of the decorations. It would liven up the overall mood and atmosphere. Here are a few random ideas: > Lava rocks that work like...