my bad about the ace of spades. sortuh new still so ill relook at the maps and post a new one.
im really diggin this map. id download it if there was a link.
downloaded. great map dood. im really diggin the jump you setup in the middle
hey im pretty sure ive seen you around BWO so imuh add you. but anyway i also saw that you have a sig shop of some sort and i could use some help....
like pictures of the interior? cause the youtube video at the bottom shows everything. @Darkling ill prolly mix the hornets but that doesnt seem...
yeah thanks dood, i was puttin all sorts of tags around it so i guess i wouldnt work
FIGHT FOR VERIZON First Map Post: Made this map for a contest in one of my other groups. Im pretty sure it falls into the Aesthetic Map section...
hey dood, how do you attach a video in a thread?
remote file is too large. should i make it smaller?
right here dood its the right size and it is a .png but it...
hey im new, and i guess youre one of the big dogs on campus i guess, so i was hoping you would know if there was a thread about how to make a...
hey, im new here and your name is purple so i think youre important? am i right? but imuh cut to the chase, is their a thread to how to make a...
ok well im havin trouble with it anyway so i dont think im gonnuh use it
best part is the pointing at the caerma and the dood comes up with the stash "Youre Next"
hey ive seen this group before. never thought to join. just did. yeah... i like to skateboard. and i like to party. and i like to forge...