Please leave me alone
From the shoutbox and forgehub :D, its funny how they can act like jurks but when i do it back its Ban time thanks alot
Okey nice perm ban
That message was a joke.
I'm Back :D
I cant realy forge :{
I might make a firefight map.
I'm forging, i dident like the guy on the chatbox
Hi dude
Go here sorry i wasent there chat room/box for MySpace etc.
Thank you for supporting me i'll start making odst map's.
i dont know if i should make random map's insted of map's based on [THE HALO UNIVERSE].
Becuse it was horrible
I give up on my map's. #i'll draw em first
I'm going to desighn the map's first
AKA the gametype
I'm working on what i want it to be, i love halo:odst so thats why i'm making my based on em.
I'm making the bridge of oni alpha site from halo:odst, it's coming on well :}
I'm making the bridge off halo:odst alpha site, its coming on pretty well