I know what it's all about. I rigged it so when you jump through it, and the zombie is blocking it, you'll appear through the teleporter and on...
Okay I have posted the gametype. And idk man; I play with a certain group of people, and nobody has it. xD
I don't care what anybody thinks. I believe you are truly gifted at making maps and I think you should keep on trucking! (Hypothetically speaking)...
Do you like Zombies? Do you like Racing? Well then my new map is good for you! [IMG] [IMG] .::EnKrypted::. is a sequal map to SeS Racers. This...
No I have never played the halo racetracks. But, I made sure the tubes are not campable; and if you do manage to it will be pointless and boring....
You like Zombies?? You like Racing?? Well here's the game for you![IMG] SeS Racers is a really fun Racing/Infection map made by EnKryptix on my...
Thank you for the suggestion! I will begin on a version 2. The reason why I had not made it a mini game was because I use this for when I train...
Hey There! Sniper's getting a little Rusty? Well do I have a map for you! [IMG]"Target Practice" Offers an intermediate map with all of the...
Please remove this post. I have misplaced this. I'm sorry and I'm new to the site; help?