Excellent, thank you, Berb. How've you been?
Hi Berbie.
Me neither. (lol)
I haven't been for a while.
Happy week late birthday! =)
Being banned is too mainstream. ^.^
Hai ;)
Thanks. =)
Happy birthday. =D
I can't stay up until 6am, anyway. That's just ridiculous.
I'll try and pitch in.
Ahahaha. I thought it was Tuesday today. Our testing will be in.... 5 hours 40 mins?
Look dude, I really want to keep my promise of judging the comp, but I'm just so ****ing busy lately. My gold membership's expired, and I have no...
But then on the original spawn they will not be able to use it, requiring them to kill themselves before proceeding. Respawn traits only apply to...
No way to limit the use, I'm afraid. Though, If this particular Pelican part is at the very beginning of the round, you could have the players...
I'm a huge fan of the original. New ways to create puzzles, using race, such as this, were spawned on your very creation. Don't take that a...
Surprise anal!!
What did auto-correct do? You are one pessimistic bastard.
Err... Busy. Very busy. New job, loads of schoolwork, etc. You probably know how it is.
Two is a multiple. I think you should make an aesthetic, unplayable hangar, and then redesign it as a multiplayer space. Then you can have two maps!