The hornet in MM was terrible. The Elephant I can see if they make a map large enough and work as some sort of spawn station. But unlike 3, I...
Haha, indeed. I ran through the new Community BTB maps and most of them are so oddly built. But can't be all their fault. Not a lot of space to...
This map is Reliance. Reliance is built in the Alaska part of the Forge World capacity and with primarily the thought in mind of attack and...
Each have their own strong points. In my view, I have a personal likeness toward one sided maps. Think back to Halo 2 with Zanzibar, Burial...
Anchor 9.
Maps like Elongation and Colossus are hard to replicate due to the absence of the belts. :( Can't wait to hear info about the maps he is including...
Player Speed 120% Jump Height 125% Player Gravity 200% Damage Modifier 110% Melee Modifier 50% Damage Resistance 90% Shield Recharge Rate 110%...
Looks nice, will check out. I played on a Coagulation map that used Classic Settings and it played great. To the guy above clamoring about make...
Is there a confirmation, or further details?
Where is the list for the maps in the Classic playlist? How do you know about this information?
I thought it looked pretty cool. The coliseum looks to be biggest area for a Beaver Creek admission. The little outhook where Asylum is located...
More BTB inspired maps are always a great thing to have.
The second video displays you were either playing an awful team or your map is hit by bad spawning.
I remember this vividly from Halo: CE. So glorious. I like the looks of the map. The blue tone is the best setting, Covenant style anyways, a...
Forging looks very excellent, and I like many things you did here. The symmetry looks very clean and organized. I wish I could geo-merge as half...
lol Put this in ATLAS and try to get it into Matchmaking. I doubt it, though, since it would basically pimp-slap Blackout into obscurity....
Have you tried submitting this to ATLAS?
Bungie's remake of Blackout shows you shouldn't put blind faith in their creations. I hope Heretic is good, though.
Yeah, similar names huh! I agree with the above post, too. You could possibly also tighten up some areas where there is breaks in the blocks.
Here's my quick hit suggestions. But before I say those, I think this is the best Hang 'Em High remake attempt. I really like most of it, and with...