cool beans
You edit the custom powerup in Game Options. Each individual gametype's rules will affect the custom powerup. Wherever you place the powerup in...
I had a great time playing on this map, but yeah there are too many shield doors. In Reach, if you could make a massive school and an even longer...
I agree that it's a shame there aren't as many teleporters, but like pinohkio said, you don't have to have just 6 channels. You just have to come...
I doubt Ghost will make you invisible to Dogs, and sure they're a 11 Killstreak, but I don't think they should be one-bite-kills. That's just...
You know what's nice is that kills you gain from killstreaks DO NOT add to your spree. In other words, your airstrikes and RC-XDs and all that...
@ Wood Wonk: You're a noob. No, don't debate with me. lol Marathon and Ninja are nice, Hacker Pro seems pretty insane, and Tactical Mask is...
While I said I wasn't going to get Black Ops before, after seeing all the new features and stuff that Treyarch is putting into Multiplayer, I'm...
Cool beans, I'm all for more forging friends! I have some map ideas that are pretty large so any help is awesome! Plus, we could work on future...
This sounds like a fun way to keep Campaign alive. We could definitely have weekly Firefight challenges and stuff, too!
Just chillin'. Waiting for Reach. Not eating or sleeping until it comes out. lol
hey man
I saw the Shrine, and it looked awesome. If you need a forgemate, I'd love to help you out, and then make future maps. Kthxbye! (omg i just...
I was checking out your sketch-ups, and now I need to change my pants. I was wondering if you'd like some help with creating your maps and any...
I don't mind losing VIP in matchmaking, BUT WHY IN CUSTOMS NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111one
Reach will be the best Halo, and Halo CE will be in a close second. It's smart / lucky for Bungie to release Reach now, since they won't have to...
Pretty much just jizzed my pants. MAKE THIS MAP! I'd love to see more ship-internal maps. This reminds me so much of the Pillar of Autumn.
Awesome. This would be insanely wicked for Infection or One-Sided Objectives.
Haha, this is an awesome idea! You could also have a large glass wall with like a Scorpion behind it and keep it out of reach of the map so you...
This is a really cool idea, I can't wait to see it on! I just have one question: Should we say our name/gamertag in our voice message?...