That is the one variable that I wasnt able to get concrete and finished. Every tim e me and my friend Erick played the map I had a different way...
Well, this is an idea that came to me about a month ago when I got the DLC maps and began to experiment on the Foundry. I actully attemped...
Re: Lemmings (small mammals with suicidal tendencies) Awesome Concept. Queued
If it was possible, I would attach a turret to the underside of the banshee. Hell yes. :squirrel_rocking:
I want the ability to make those barriers disappear and reappear at normal intervals, just to mess with people.
As much as I love racing maps that include banked turns, this map really caught my attention. It's being DL'd as I type this. Can't wait to get...
I want the ability to place elastic barriers and death barriers into a map. I also want to be able to turn these barriers into any shape I want....
I think if you place the back bridge just above the back wheels it would allow you to do this.
Thank you for the information Fang, although i've been testing alot of stuff out aswell. The fact that the distance between the grav hammer attack...
Ive read the suggestions, thanks for the ideas, ill probably try them out later. But the thing about the map is that the person on the bottom is...
Well the thing is that this will be a long hallway he must get through before coming to another room where he will face the person from the bottom...
Well, ok, the title says it all. Im working on a Forge map, based off of something that will be revealed when I post it. What I need help on is...
Yeah your right, the weapon placement is meant to be a bit unbalanced. I'm glad you liked the map. Thanks for the tips.
Trapzilla is an awesome map.
Re: Tartarus 1.2 (Revised) Sheild doors were my first idea of what to put on the map, but I put the dumpsters instead of sheild doors so that if...
Re: Tartarus 1.1 (Revised) I think the assorted dumpsters for cover is pretty good. The map seems to be working better now, I just need to test...
Re: Tartarus 1.1 (Revised) Mhm, I was going to work on a One Bomb Assault Variant for this map. Yeah, the Tower is pretty powerful, but the...
Ok, I see where I have made some problems, thanks for pointing those things out people. Edit: Ok, the dumpsters are placed better than they were...
Map Title: Tartarus The Pit of Judgement Download Map Download Team Slayer Gametype Download Infection Gametype Download Assault Gametype...