OMG Thank You! Thank you Thank you Thank you! I've been downloading "Sanctuary" style maps forever, only to find that they had it right, but...
I finally hit my 100 file maximum on Halo 3 as I'm sure many of you have. Does anyone know a way around this? I'd hate to delete maps from my...
Panncakez and Pegasi, You two are freakin' awesome! Thanks a mil! --- Quick question. Is there a way to move in the guardian borders? That...
Hey guys, I'm pretty new to forging, and I love all the great maps on here and elsewhere. I've run into two problems so far though with...
Most definitely.
OMFG! (1) Alizarin was freakin' flawless. Such beautiful craftsmanship and practically seamless! (2) Crypt of Doom was the most fun I've had...
what kind of people are you playing with? Really laid back guys, just looking to get out of their daily grind like we used to in college. what...
Hey Guys, I've been everywhere, and even did a quick search in the forum archives here and have yet to find what I've been looking for. Does...