I have 1 billion dice. Each die has 1 billion sides. I will roll the dice until they generate the number I am looking for. One day I will get the...
I related them to determinism because it explains the 6th dimension as a fold, and there is a fold for each potential future of a person or being....
Avira Anti-Virus The anti-virus program I have used for over a year. This, coupled with Malwarebytes, has never failed to protect or clean my...
Wow, I have heard that working there is unpleasant from friends, and I guess that is ALL I have ever really heard about it... lol. At one point I...
My gamertag of late has a mediocre history. I used to be a major fan of the Kingdom Heart video game series. One aspect of the game was the...
I have enjoyed the debates section, although I can see why the discrepancies it is causing are reason enough to shut it down. The unity of the...
You put that perfectly. I am a strong believer in free will. Although I am an atheist, and a strong believer and advocate of science, I consider...
I feel the reason we have two parties is that most people who agree with most of the "doctrine" of their party are unwilling to compromise their...
This is how I feel. My own view point is that Good and Bad should be measured against the well being of all living things on this planet. In this...
I am a "meat eating person" if you will. Vegans may claim humans were not designed to eat meat, meat eaters will deny it. Meat eaters may claim...
This is my favorite forged map up to date. Simply amazing, it does what forged maps have never been able to do for me, it provides a map with its...
I haven't had an opportunity to actually play this map, but wondering around it, I think it is amazing. Not only are the aesthetics excellent, but...
I played heavily for like a 6 month period on Sen'Jin, Alliance. I will probably go back, the last 2 months of no WoW have been depressing in...
7/10 slow and rhythmic, I enjoyed it. It would make excellent background music to lot of activities, and since this is a Halo forum; prolly not...
I never played Halo CE or Halo 2, until after I discovered Halo 3... perhaps H3 ruined the experience for me, because I never really enjoyed the...
One of the issues I had getting this skull, was that I apparently am not smart enough to jump through a hoop... my advice is to make absolutely...
I totally agree with this, I have had many jacked betrayal boots, and vice-versa.
I teabag often, but only for "just" reasons. The body melee is also a favorite.
Rank: 31, though I am of the opinion that it could be rather higher Sensitivity: 10
10 here, mostly because all my friends think I am whacked for doing so. And also for the assassination opportunities it brings.