Im hopin that they keep forge in reach for GRIFBALL!! anyway,the beta looks awesome,cant wait to play it and get rlly gud then pwn everyone who...
Great map,looks nice,i like the view how u made the map look like a scorpion.and you put a guass turret on the tail,that was cool.looks really...
wow excelent design,i have nowhere near te skill to make that,but excelent design
Well sir,its more spesific then u think. i am building a map. i have trouble keeping the blocks interlocked after i put them togther. i need...
i am not shure if this thread belongs in this forum or not,but i need some MAJOR teachin,like i follow the guides for...
Well for starters,dont use photo bucket =p try using imageshack or somthin,thats what i used when i ever need pictures or anything done.second...
Looks verry thin for a race track,but it looks so awesome.....looks like a avalanch version of the map irritation.sorta like a puzzle driving...
Doubt it,but back to topic, i dont remember blind in halo 2. r u shure u r not talkin bout halo 3? and dual needling i will miss =(...
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL OWNED!!!!!!!!!!!! but on to what this fourm is about.when i played halo 2's campaign it was so difrent then normal
PMG PMG that hlps SO much dood when i get my cap card ima put u in ma first vid in credits 0.o lol but srsly dood thanks so much. EDIT:I just...
i dont understand what an rca output is? like what output is it? i see alot of outputs on my tv. i am sorta technophobic when it comes to outputs...
do you use this?if you do could yo post a video from google vids(i cant acess youtoube right now) and also,what do you mean a tv out?like a...
i am in the market for a capture card card,and i cant find a decently priced one.the ones i see say there like 100 200 dollars a piece,and i dont...
its clearly a maze because umm,she put maze in the desc?looks awesome btw,im gunna get it for the upcomming custum day for today its mazes and...
nice map,i love these spooky,never know whats around the cornder type maps,but it looked like u pt a filter,and i personally dont like dem...