umm... i don't know if i'm just stating the obvious but countdown = foundation with a few changes. but yeah, pics would be good(and by that i mean...
see, the only problem with air battles is that you need a lo of players and a lot of vehicles on instant respawn. i'm thinking that though your...
awesome remake. too bad it couldn't have no gravity like the original... :(
as of this moment you have 1,111 posts. congratulations.
well, not having the map set up for any gametypes and having vast empty spaces in between buildings = bad. i would suggest setting it up for...
I am sorry, but this map is not up to Forgehub standards. you need to have at least one picture or video illustrating your map. you can add images...
very nice, they all look good. i especially like the t-rex. however, i do believe that it is a requirement to have a download link for the map(s)...
did'nt you post this before? or is the 2 symbolical of a v2? because it looks very familiar, with the whole structure of the bridge and the downed...
i definitesly agree with rifte, a heavy variant of this would be awesome. i mean, just look at sandtrap: normal = meh, hassle if you don't have a...
well, it seems as if you've left out the download link for both the map and gametype. noting this, i don't suspect you'll get too many downloads....
ok, so first off i would recommend taking screenshots while not in forge. it looks better. the map looks ok, and i'll checkit out later once i...
di any of you ever play the original super smash bros? on it there was a minigame called "race to the finish" where you would try to basically run...
this aircraft carrier is ballin. it looks fantastic, and i really like all the details you put in. very nice map.
sounds good. sometimes i may ignore invites cuz i'm playin w/ mah frendz, but i'm always in need of more people to play with.
well then.... there's your problem.
Welcome to Forgehub! sadly, your post is not up to standards and will be lockedif you do not have at least 1 picture or video of your map. instead...
yeah, i have some problems with the lack of railings and gaps, if you redid it in the crypt though you wouldn't have to recreate the floor and you...
really unique idea, and it actually looks really cool. how many hornets/banshees are there? it looks really hectic with a hornet, i would just...
yeah, no dl link. :( the maps look great and the forging looks very clean, i like the story progression and the concept. but no link, so i can't...