Map Name: Elevation Map you remade: Foundation Number of Players: 2-8 Gametypes: Team Slayer, CTF, Crazy King Forgehub Map Thread [IMG]
Elevation Many of us have fond memories of Halo 2's Foundation, it's long gangways, the bunker, it's four close-quarters rooms, and lots of...
I'm aware the map is escapable at one point, but I made a decision to omit changing it. I'm thinking of the vast vast majority of players who just...
Hello. My name is OctoDeath and I spent a considerable amount of time forging a remake of Foundation on Sanbox. This map is called Excavation....
Map Name: Excavation Map you remade: Foundation Number of players: 4-12 Recommended three (3) Gametypes:Slayer, CTF, King of the Hill [IMG]
Just noticed that this map made the front page on (in video form anyway). Thanks for the attention you guys here and people elsewhere have...
Looks really good Mini Waz. I've queued this up for download and I hope to get some games in soon. I imagine the vehicles work really well on the...
From the screenshots you've posted your map looks like it could be good fun to play. I've queued it up for download so I'll offer you some more...
Yes in a perfect Forge paradise with unlimited budget and objects the rooms would all have a roof. But I needed the budget to use on other areas...
I had a lot of fun playing a couple of games on this a couple of nights back. Some good Banshee action too! I'd recommend that a few more of you...
The sword doesn't spawn exactly in the original either. Originally I had the sword dead centre on a weapon holder, but I moved it slightly off...
The map isn't fully 100% escape proof if players are going to start jumping on each other's heads but it's as escape proof as I can make it. The...
Orginal post updated. I am overwhelmed by the response this remake has gotten. Thank you for your comments, ratings, and downloads. After taking...
Excavation (Halo 2's Foundation forged on Sandbox) UPDATED: 14th March 2009 - Please download the improved version [IMG] With the size,...
Hmmm that's odd. I seem to have no recollection of you ever helping me with the spawns. However, I do recollect spending a significant amount of...
Interlocking is a great technique to use when forging. It is not a necessary requirement however. But without sounding like a complete idiot I...
I've updated the original post to include a weapon list. __________________________________ Thanks for all your comments, it seems this map is...
Octoplex Created by OctoDeath ________________________ Edit: Weapon & Equipment list added at end of post - 17th Jan Octoplex was submitted to...
I don't know whether you are a member of Atlas or not, so forgive me if you are and already know this, but Bungie, or rather Shishka, has and does...
Wow! Ever since Shishka announced that my map, Octoplex, was to be included I've been waiting for some discussion. I knew straight off that many...