Hey Forgehub. Hi I'm sam, My gamertag is samsternator. Some of you may know me, others probaly not. To be honest I've been around at forgehub for...
Yer I guess its one of those gametypes, maps that you either hate or love....Some people hate it with a passion and other nominate it for a...
Hey yer I would test right now but The maps not completly finished but you can forge with me on it and check it out.
Hello ladies and gentlemen. Today I'm going to tell you a little about gunnergrunts's difficulty map pack: Ever since this came up for...
Hello Boys and girls of FH I ask of a favour today that I can get some testing done of my new map on the skybox of sb. Its a 1v1/2v2 small...
This is My Favourite blackout map of all time. And my second favourite overall MLG to date:)
dude go in Xforgery shout box please!