This map is really cool. I haven't played it with other people yet, but i enjoyed the quick jumping challenge. Good Work!
That sorta creeped me out. If i ever speak in front of a crowd i hope there isn't a creepy lady behind me:D
I have a question. In the pictures there are blue and red lights. When i played it there were no lights. Were the lights just there in the...
I like the idea. I also agree that a small central stucture with some cover would be cool.
I'm expecting A.I. that is better than in halo 3. It is always annoying when the marines throw random gernades and drive you off the cliff and...
The mystery weapon sounds super crazy awsome! It would be super embarrassing to use it , miss, and not score a kill.
The front flip is a cool idea. I only played on one other map that had a front flip so it's very cool!
Definitely a success! This map reminds me of the fun i had playing ascension with my brother before halo 3.
This map is forged extremely well. I can't think of any problems. Good job!
great remake. I really liked the original.
I tested my map today for the first time and the defenders never lasted over 2 minutes, but I don't think i overpowered the covenant. Maybe the...
This map looks really fun, good job! I like the idea.
Thanks for the replies! I will make sure i test it a fair amount of time. My map is a six leveled skyscraper on the main level of sandbox. It...
How much testing should a map go through? I'm new to forgehub so I'm not quite sure.
Thanks for the tips! I'll try to work it out. If not I'll just have a hornet spawn.
I just ran into a problem. When the warthog falls from the sky at 5 min it can't survive the impact and it explodes. Any suggestions? Otherwise i...
Thanks! I was sorta thinking the same thing. The only problem i can think of is that if you had to drive the warthog to the destination I couldn't...
I'm makeing an asset map and i have some questions/ideas about my map. i am trying to create a unique way to reach the destination. Here are my...