Hi Mickraider and everyone else, I, like everyone else, can't wait for Forge 2.0, and this is exactly what I need to make sense of all the...
Well which part of your house isn't working out for you? Do you need help forging parts of it or are you having trouble planning it out? I can...
Also, there is always going to be people who didnt mean any harm whatsoever, and not have known it would be considered "spam", (like me), and so...
Im not saying that I should be able to say that I liked the map, Im saying that I dont feel like people should be yelled at for making one post....
Yes, i would definitely check out a tutorial on ghost merges. There is one in the Forging 201 forum on this site, and several youtube videos. They...
Yes! I was FINALLY able to finish the thread, so check it out, check out the map, and leave feedback! Thanks so much, i look forward to hearing...
Lol well thanks for the clarification, I was sitting here thinking everyone hated me. And btw to anybody interested, my gt is "Selenyde" on...
I'm so sorry about not putting up the download link. If you really want to know, when I started this thread I looked up and realized that I was...
MLG Bide Download Link: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=114086414 IMPORTANT: If you aren't going to read...
I'll edit the post. Thanks.
Hello forge-hubbers. I am in need of some help dealing with xbl connections. Recently i lost the connection at my house (my parents are cheap...
Yeah i can probably help you tomarrow if thats cool. GT: Selenyde Add me and when i get on i can help you. Just send me a message or an invite....
Two bases, two towers, and like twenty bagillion maps like this i have saved on my HDD. As most would probably expect from a FH user, everytime i...
Umm, holy crap? I am normally a strickly MLG player, and not much into vehicles and power drains, but this map just looks amazing. Btw, the...
Thanks a lot Kid Bomber, that will really help.
Hello! People call me j0llyfish, or just j0lly if you want to keep it short. Don't make fun of me though, i have no idea why i decided to make...