There seems to be an absence of respawn points on the map I counted 5 from the pics, and this is a fairly large map.
This one time I went to stick my friend and he laid a bubble sheild.. I died. We looked in theater it looks like I smashed the sticky into my face.
I feel like the only person who has not experienced the unstoppable wrath of the l33t orange cone.
Someone stuffed the grunts face with confetti.... thats weird.
The panda... its like evil, but its not.
Umm... Of course not. Video games are awesome and everyone knows awesome things are not bad. But in all seriousnessish the real reason there is...
......I really don't get it. My friend made a map like this about the 3rd week the game came out, and it sucked.
I think getting lost would only make it better. It would help create an erie mood. Awesome map a V2 would help clean up the map and interlocking...
Looks something like what I tried to pull off a long time ago. I just threw a whole bunch of of crap together and all I got was more crap. But at...
Good weapon choices for mlg would be maybe a rocket XP, mauler, and instead of having so many br's you could add in a few carbines.
This is an awesome map. I think the fusion coils just brought more l337 awesome-ness too. It took a while to find the link to the map though.
This is really cool. I don't see why they don't have FFA on the hardcore playlist, this would be a really good map for it. I will have a lot of...
Looks really well thought out and also seems to have some time put into it. I have to agree with the fusion coils, but whats wrong with shaking...
I like the idea for the map. There is a lot of cool stuff you did like merging the objects with the map. Except your outer wall is out of whack....
wow looks amazing. I love the interlocking, I can't wait to 1v1 my brother.
The next time all my friends are hanging out I will be playing this map. I hope to see lots more maps like this.
Looks really good. I will definately be downloading. I love the exploding wall.
I really like the way the map looks. I will definately be downloading, the last couple of people have been right about the pics.... But that...