Compared to one of my favorite maps, "For rent," that map is NOTHING compared to this. This map is beyond ridiculous, this is unreal, AND the...
Does anyone remember that one Basket Ball map in Halo 3? It was almost exactly like basketball itself, in the game you could dribble the ball &...
Wheres antarica? xD And Russia was the one who had the 1st man to the moon, it was kinda like a competition between Russia & the U.S. during...
I could care less about if the creator of the map is lieing or not, can't you just like the map for what it is? If one person does an idea similar...
Dude, you should totally make a remake of your "Bive Hive" map on Reach; that was my favorite game in Halo 3:)
Sweet, maybe I can show you a few things:) I have you on my friends list, and maybe I can show you my version of your map; I've done mostly...
I love this map alot, me & my friends play it often. There are you things I like to share though. 1: When its just 2 players left, its hard for...
I hate when people ask this feature to forge, because you dont think about how complicated it is and how much tech you would need. And how is...
Liguid Anti-Matter Grenade Weapon or vehicle: Weapon Creator: Covenant Type:Grenade+ Name: Anti-Matter Plasma Grenade What it looks like:...
If I deleted a visitor message wound it always say "This message has been deleted by (whoever)" for as long as I have this forgehub profile?
Its easier to spell U this way than spelling you this way. I have other words that I right in different ways(in text) like instead putting to, too...
This map is proble one of the most complex maps(on foundry) I have ever seen. I look forward at playing it:)
Dude this is the best thing ive EVER played, and my friends think the samething. Just one thing about it thought. That one thing high in the air...