First of all, I'd like to start off by saying that I don't even know Raccio14. So it comes to my amazement when a map I worked so hard on is...
It's not. Just stay to the center on the big mancannon jumps, don't like e-brake willy nilly into them, and you'll be fine. And the rest of the...
I'd say keep playing if you have trouble getting back onto the map. I have never had trouble getting back where I want, I think you just need to...
I thought a lot about using the mega cannons for this race track. There are a couple of problems though. Either the mongoose will only go a short...
I'm glad you all are enjoying how the map looks. I'm curious how gameplay is going for everyone? I think I want to make an Icicle 2, but I want to...
Icicle Created by Dark Zero Zero Supported Gametypes: Starting/Respawn Points for VIP and Slayer. Should be good for whatever race variant you...
It's not random. When you're on offense, you can grab the flag and when you're on defense you can't. So if you're on defense, you would want to...
Thanks everyone! I love the stuff that happens on this map. Like trying to score the last ball just to be whacked in the back at the last second....
This isn't two teams racing to get the balls in. It's one team tries to get all four balls in the center hole in one round. A round last two...
I really like the idea, I always loved that sumo game in fusion frenzy. Also, good idea with the spectator box. My question is how the rounds end?...
Maybe I will try and tweak it a little bit, but as of now it plays extremely well. But thank you very much, I'm glad you think it's a good idea!
Momentum Created by Dark Zero Zero [br] Supported Gametypes: Momentum CTF Variant [br] Download Momentum Download Momentum Gametype Required [br]...
I have spent the last three days testing and tweaking everything imaginable to make my new game "4 ball" perfect. But the only thing left to tweak...