"I know! I'll call myself Xx D3ath93 xX, because I'm a ****ing ****." I've got a good name in mind and only need 180MSP to change to it.
Mass Effect! :D I'd be ****in' alien bitchez and ****in' up bad guys >:D EDIT: Also some Human bitchez.
Yeah, but Wrex also has the advantage of having decent combat abilities; so I went with him.
Title says it all. Mine were Garrus and Wrex/Ashley.
Hey guys, just wanted to get some opinions on the halo 3 mythic disc and DLC, I think it's pathetic that they've sold us the map packs as DLC, and...
If you're looking to play Co-op I suppose Ao2 would be a good option but there wasn't any replay value in the original... You could just rent it...
Why are you all pouncing on the 'Wish-List' guys? I thought it would be nice to have a little checklist on what improvements we'd all like, and...
As for your elite comment; I don't think that they'd dress in honour guard armour when they've found that all they've been protecting and fighting...
8/10 For teh Marathon awesomeness lol... Does look quite good though IMO. [img] Just changed it to that this morning.. Nice to have an opinion...
I only teabag if I betray or absolutely own someone lol Rapist.
Yeah I've stuck with 3 too. I like it :S