As many of you may already know, not only has the RE 5 demo gone live in Japan today, but Microsoft has already cracked down on downloading...
Meow. Alrighty. Respectfully, question restatement, please? (I honestly think you have valuable insights. I'm just not grasping them at the...
Is that an argument for the sake of arguing? I was attempting an actual discussion.
The ethereal melody towards the end moves me to tears... of laughter.
For the sake of debate, lets forget about any contemporary religious idea of God and go by the definition; Matter cannot be created, nor destroyed...
Okay, so for the sake of argument, what do atheists believe and why should anyone care?
Ah, but here is some food for thought: If one feels the need to follow a religion, who is anyone to say that they shouldn't? Do you not want an...
Well I would say that's not true, either. There are a wealth of theistic evolutionists. However, I would tend to agree with the fact that the...
Actually, that's not quite what happened. You are probably referring to Johann Tetzel, who's aggressive campaign of raising money for the...
You know, it's funny but one of my most favorite video game characters is Half Life 2's Father Grigori, the Russian Orthodox Christian priest who...
Either way, any serious Halo players can easily overcome the hiders by doing some simple things: -Go to YouTube and look up "Halo 3 Hiding"....
But you love us and therefore won't, right?
I'm sorry! I really didn't intend that to be a direct response to you. I guess it didn't come out so clear. Anyway, the evolution part was more of...
"Atheism vs. Christianity" is not so much the topic here. Christianity is one small part of the debate and certainly fervent proselytes are...
But isn't science really only able to explain (or more accurately, 'define') natural phenomena? Yet, God would be supernatural, correct? Given...