I can't get teleporters (receiver nodes) to work if I have them mounted upside down on a ceiling. Is there any way to get them to work. In the...
I remember in Halo 3 it was possible to spell things with the tiny lights at the bottom of teleporters. Teleporters are different now so I was...
Thanks, Iforget to come on more cuz I'm addicted to facebook, just a little addicted
No, yesterday was my first time on in a while. I've been busy with starting highschool, transferring to another highschool, facebook, etc. I'm...
LOL! I started calling you piggles and you eventually changed your name to it. epic win.
yay for making things sound sexual :D
I know you can scroll down to the bottom of the page and change it, but it returns to normal when you come back to the site. There's an easier...
ZOMG is that a corgi in your pic?
k done
w8 seriously?
I know, I have so much to do for school I can't go on as much as I used too =[
ya definitely, I'm suprised he didn't make it
Very creative map, but I would have liked if the zombie was above the people rather than behind so he can get a better view of the pinball machine...
nice job
I would have to say that OS X Leopard is a better operating system, just because of it's boot camp feature which allows macs to run on windows...
lock please
This is still a sweet map, but it foundry looks very empty in this one other than a couple ramps so it looks like the map didn't take much time to...
I normally don't download aesthetic maps, but I will for this one. All I can say is wow for the halfpipes, that's really the reason I'm going to...
Hi, firstly I'd like to say that this map is extremely well interlocked and gets 5/5 on aesthetics, but since it has a designated gametype and way...
This map does not belong in the aesthetic maps forum, please ask a mod to move it to the casual map section ( that's just where I think it would...