Like it most maps that are underground in sandbox i hate... but this was a great map!
i just said that it wont be that good. mainly if u dont have xbox live ;)
i had no clue on wat u were saying about my blog...
thx for visiting my blog ;)
hey thx for visiting my blogs ;)
i do post stuff
ok d-dude... tht is freaky! ur always on! is this web tht good?
Hey i have tht game. add me on xbox live ( my name is lizardzazar ) =).
wat do u mean?
dont u hve achool?
OMG!!!! ur stiiil on!!!!
your always on! lol
uhhh. wat does tl,dr mean?
how do i add u?
Hey, i posted a new blog.
Hey... thx for ur review on my blog. i do know for a fact that there is flaming helmets... wud that be in one of the lists of the sparten armor?
r u new or somethin?
uh dude.... y r u not able to ask people to download the videos or maps from ur fileshare? i thought u cud do tht. hmmm..... am i able to do tht...
I am sorry for the post that i have made on where it says its an asthetic map. i had no clue on how to put it otherwise at that time. also u r...