Well do, thanks.
Hey dude, can i have permission to use your elephant in the map you made?
This belongs in the map discussion place but not her. Ask a admin for help!
Suon Jon __________________________________________________________ Map Download: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Game Type Download:...
Ok, this gametype, is on Forge World, King of the Hill, and Slayer. There are two ways to play, Team and FFA. Team (KotH) Game: Two Teams Two...
The Masta Beef Times and Chronichles __________________ Extra, extra, read all about this!...
It looks very well forged...maybe add something unique to the map? Like a small drop bridge going from one side to the other on top of the blocks....
Hey Rifte, Im going to upload two new map's that I have been recently working on. Do I have you permission to use Invasion Repel as their gametype?
No, my friend ,not a mod, i simply pushed them all in one spot!
To the makers of Halo. Thank you Marty's mom(shes the big dino in back),the cast of Firefly,Nathon Filloin, and Count Dracula. [IMG] took...
I have forged it,made changes so the gameplay would work properly with the gametype, but i havent uploaded recent pics. I thought to my self after...
Yes, thank you for pointing that out!
Oh and this isnt an Infection Map? Its VIP, I didnt know where to post it, so I looked where Rifte posted his map, and I posted it where he did.
Ok, sounds good. Oh, and sorry about not asking you for the gametype. I figured if I made a good enough map, I would ask you, but I kinda forgot!...
Well they worked for Rifte's Map Reach...so yeah, I guess they do. And the link is up. I uploades more pics so...yeah...have fun. BTW: Its great...
Reach, New Port (Pipeline name change) Reach,New Port _____________________________________________________________ Forged By The Sietanal...
PARADOX Map Made By The Sietanal,Phantom Forged By Zow Jr __________________________________________________ _____________ Okay, so this is my...
it looks really good! nice job on posting it right! maybe add more pics of like the drivers seat. but i dont really like the idea of the turrets...
Pipeline Is Back! _____________________________________________________ Ok so I learned how to embed my pics! So Pipeline is based off Rifte...
Would you like me to send you an in detph videoshow the whole map? --- Would you like me to send you an in detph videoshow the whole map?