Sweet. We should start posting his Gamer-Tag in Forums, telling people that he is rumored to give out Recon! (:
No you.
I agree.
Please don't; I really like this thread. ): If you don't like it; don't post in here.
Wise criticism is wise.
I'm sorry, but this kid FBIRyan just keeps annoying me. I'll message you; I love quick-scoping lobbies. :)
Stop it.
You must be related to me; my thoughts on sniping are exactly the same. ;) However, I find extended magazines kind of inefficient. Since I'm...
Don't bump old threads.
Sounds like your talking about increased chance no-scopes. (That's what I call them.) It's when you start to scope in, but you fire before it...
Shooting before your crosshair pulls up would be no-scoping. Scoping in, shooting, and then scoping right back out as quickly as possible is...
Wrong. A.) It allows you to see the radar at all times; you shouldn't have to be scoped in to see a player movement anyways. B.) It gives you a...
I signed up at this forum just to reply to this post. Sid, your logic is not quite that sound. I'm a sniper; I may not get 60-90 kills per game,...