This screenshot i like a bit. It doesn't really have much meaning it just has that it looks cool with that vibration look in it. I dont remember...
they are pretty cool
nice map I'll download it and try it out
cool do u know Mini Waz originally founder of it as far as i know cause he has 1 and it made bungie fav's sometime durin late summer i think
yea me too except most of the time i wear just 1 peice of recon like mabbe just 1 shoulder or just chest or just helmet i like to mismatch the...
i would just like to tell you ur goin to get a lot of crap from people if you dont put in a link or pic..... in ur posts use Image hosting, free...
my fav armor is rouge head, recon chest, and right arm is recon and left is security i'll try and upload a pic for u if i can yo also check out...
hello i just need to inform you that in a post you should post a pic for certain reasons, here is a link for two really big sites Image hosting,...
pretty cool map im going to download it and try it out next time i get on cause my disc is broke
yea i'll work on that.. yea i'll work on that but for now i am just going to stick with using the link if that is ok with you and thanks on the...
thx check out my screen shot i just posted
this is probably my favorite screen shot I've ever made. It didn't take long for the pose or effects. It is a quick take. All i can tell you is...
yea me too
yo if any1 wants to add me send a fr to Cameron Benson