That is really freakin sick. Forgive me if I am incorrect, but aren't there two blocks to the main front ramp entrance on each side. Kind of like...
Looks very well-made. Great work! Make sure the middle bridge has all of its old looks and stuff.
It's a skin pack for Snow Leopard I found on RedmondPie. It's Windows 7 64-bit.
I understand what you mean man. Also, thanks very much for all of the help. :) Also, I loved your rendition of Ghost Town. We are actually...
I've had an account since '09 yet I haven't really come back into the forging scene until now. Basically, if you haven't heard of it before, there...
It's Windows btw. [IMG]
Really, really sick. I love this so much. Looks very beautiful, too with it being on Infinity. :)
I'll try it out the next time I hop on. Thanks :)