Yeah, there is a lot of bumpy areas, especially when you take the lift to the top of the base, and I plan to take out some of the weapon spawns ,...
I'd love to add more cover, weapons, and power-ups, but I hit the budget limit on this map way too fast
Odyssey v1.3 Statement: I made this map fairly quickly, and did not spend much time touching up things. It still plays very well and i hope you...
Love this map. Completed it in 7 min 31 sec.
I agree with some others to redo the side bases, I like them, but they just seem pretty familiar comparing them to some other maps, otherwise i...
Thanks this helped a lot
I can guarantee this is not only me, but when ever you forge on sandbox then save and end, when you start the game up again are objects slightly...
Hybrid Nice map, very cleanly forged