nice dude, and btw where and the heck did you come up with the name of the map its funny.
Ok i fixed the pictures, thanks Mattkestrel
Looks sweet, my downloading it right now, i will leave another comment with my reaction.
A fun obstacle course map, created by : Me( RAYBO) & Doughnut221. This was made just for fun, i dont think their is any merging just basic...
I cant even imagine how you thought to do this, the way it looks from the side, its just crazy, great job.
@ Friskyyyyy, dude before you start to " rip " on doughnut, like i said before i watched him make this map. And i bet you if you did a side by...
LOOKS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, bit to big for mlg though btb would be CRAZY. 5*****
Looks good but it seems to be too open
This map looks amazing, im going to download this and try it out when i get home from school.
Wow man how long did this take to compile? Vary extensive and well laid out, Great job!
It makes sense, but this is not a H3 capture site soo, im just trying to help people get their map on video or their gameplays up. But i will look...
Hi, i am doing H3 captures, that include: maps( if you have a forged map and want to show it off), Game play and all that jazz. So if your...
I watched donut make this map and it is insanely similar to lockdown but i watched him make the walls and bases. i this its an amazing map im...