I have looked over a couple of your maps now REM and your aesthetics blow my mind, this one especially. Like a clothesline? and the use of...
Thanks man, I really appreciate you taking the time to give me your opinion on the map. I was trying to make the township seem as believable as...
Man this really brings back memories. Nice remake! I like what you were trying to do with the green screens but I also find them a little hard on...
Assassin's Creed Halo 4 Edition Hello fellow forgers and welcome to my newest creation: Assassin's Creed. Yes I know the idea of an Assassin's...
listen man, i think your maps are really cool but you have to start posting descriptions. Sometimes pictures aren't enough and people are left...
Is this a rainbowsix vegas remake? Very cool i used to love this map
wow a beautiful map! especially for a first post. Great job with the screenshots, just from looking at them I get an almost perfect visualization...
hey could someone please tell me how the "insane DK gametype was created?" I've been trying to figure out how to create a gametype from scratch...
from what i see here it looks really cool! It would be even better if you had more overview shots of the map because from the first picture only i...
:') so beautiful.... thanks, you did a great job of remaking my favorite map of all time :)
Is english your first language? Anyways, the map looks pretty cool. I like the concept, along with the different types of floor but it does...
Wow. I have been waiting for a map like this to come along for quite a while now. The awesome layout, and just the overall idea is super...
whaaat? How exactly do you enable the minotaur to run through walls?
OMG. This looks outstandingly awesome. Love the layout, the visuals look brilliant and the submarine just is a cherry on top. Downloading and...
overall a nice concept! The rounded building is very cool looking. My complaint for this map would be that, as it appears now, if you don't have a...
wow. that cave looks fun haha! dling
Looks like a pretty cool idea. My only criticism would be that it needs more cover, most of the map is totally exposed which could lead to some...
wow very nice! I love the idea of secret rooms and its been a while since I've seen a really good holdout style infection map! The only criticism...
WOW truly impressed! This looks and feel's a lot like a real city, which is not an easy thing to make a map do. I really like the incorporation of...
this looks like a nice map overall but if you were going for accurate remake (not saying you are) your not quite there. That being said this still...