Let me see a video of you driving around the wall. Here is your BETTER VERSION Samurai Valet v12
I'm sorry, I never played gears of war (besides trying the campaign for 30 min until I decided I did'nt like it) If it reminds you of some other...
Exactly, they will find a way. My job here is to make it hard to run the hog not impossible. Driving around the wall might have a 2 % success rate...
Samurai Valet v12 Rule #1 heed Black Knight's advice and start all maps on Sandbox from a stacked version NOT a canvas! The original idea...
I should know better. My bad.
I know he made it on black out but how? [IMG] [IMG]
I play with guys at H3wheelmen.com. We have tested the going around the gaurdians idea thuroughly. Its virtually impossible. Not saying it can't...
OK so I made a few changes and hopefully it improved the map. I took off the top level. Moved sniper riffles to the basement. Put my fountain idea...
Let me introduce this map to you by explaining my mindset when I made it. I had just come off a weekend of playing maptionsac. After seeing how...
So I updated the map taking out a couple BRs and put longer spawn times on weapons since there are so many of them. I also updated my post adding...
Found myself drinving the prowler the other day for the first time in a long time. My gunner dose'nt like it so we don't use it. Well I ended up...