Map Name: Chiron TL343 Created By: MGK FLIVER Original Map: Chiron TL34 Link to FH thread:...
I've done the changes : - Set different color for all rooms - Deleted scenery - Changed the floor to create a contrast with the walls - And added...
I'd like to precise : I made the map 2 weeks ago , and there is two version of it , one on Erosion and one on Impact , but only Impact is finished...
CHIRON TL343 "After so many years, the training center took a shot of old ....... albeit ." --------------- Maybe this map isnt the most...
HELL CHESS Description : The map is located in Top Forge Universe on the small field of earth above the Hangar, and the decor represent...
Thanks for your answer , so i'm in the right direction ? ^^
[IMG] Description : This map is a remake where the warthogs crush the people ( i don't know the real name .. ,the slope is 45°). It depicts...
It's impossible to remake the exterior :( Why Forge hub don't make a petition to bungie for have trees ?
I know ^^' But it's so late ...
My friend make the montage , and i make the scenario :) I have edit the "gameplay" ^^ and for the respwan , i don't really understand ...
[IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG] VIDEO : YouTube - [Machinima/Pub] Projet 343 Guilty Spark Remake...
Thanks you ^^ Did you think the community like a remake of 343 guilty spark ?
Sewer History : Another group of scientists under the supervision of the ONI detected a underground complex near the new Alexandria,...
Water Way Description : This is my first map on Halo Reach , it's a race that is above the water , hence its name " Water way"...
I know, but I'm limited due to the limited object ^^'
The Truth and Reconcilation History : After the destruction of the first halo and the journey of John and his team to regain the Earth, the...
I always liked the small room ^^ !
Thanks for your reply ^^ !
[IMG] History : Having seen many people play this game mode, I decided to make a newer version using ghostmerging on sandbox for a best part...
Why nobodys answer ?