Thanks for the initial feedback. Yes, I dont Forge, nor do I ever. The reason it's excessive in terms of vehicles is because of 2 things: map size...
Description: A familiar battleground once filled with fluff and fur now has nothing left but familiarity..... This is my 2nd Forge map ever made....
That's ok. The cover issue I stated with the raised platforms in the middle are semi-taken care of. By that, I mean I averted the issue by...
While I enjoy the criticism, I'm going to go ahead and say this, it's pretty much finished. I'm going to playtest a BTB game with it here in the...
Anyways, Soulcrusher, I read about that "invisible" limit last night. Yes, it is what I've hit. I had to improve certain sections a bit so I could...
Yup, and MLG-made maps are built around how the player can move. Maps that are MLG-made won't play the same as if you used default settings for...
I stated this. It easily supports CTF and Slayer on a large scale. I'm not saying it's MLG. That's pro stuff. This is more casual, thus I said...
If the name sounds anything familiar, then yup, your guts were right. I've been hectically trying to piece together the N64 classic from Conker's...
I am, unfortunately, having a problem that prevents this puzzle from being played through. Apparently, the thing you get in Challenge 8 to reach...