Crackers are bad.
This website has changed so much... New layout New members More ponies... wait... what? ponies? PONIES! OMFG! THIS! IS!...
Hye, me again. I am out of LIVE right now and will send you a friend request when I get more. Hope you got some recently (or don't run out before...
I have been working on a switch that acts as a weapon dispenser. Has it worked?... so far, no. However, it would create a semi-realistic weapon...
I'd love to help with your maps. My GT is ODSTpawner. I have quite a few unfinished maps myself... but then again, I just started on them. When...
I'm guessing a map has to be in your file share to link it... I could not dl because the link to bungie was not correct or was change. I was...
Even though you failed to include pictures, I decided I would dl the map. I'll get back to you on what I think.
6/10 I give the map a personal 6/10. Non-personally it's a 9. The map looks great, doesn't have overfilled lines of sight, and plays pretty well....
Congrats Kdavis73, I love this map with my soul (or whats left of it). Thats not an emo statement. I just mean that I die a little inside every...
I suggest that you include multiple gametypes built for the map. If you want weapon respawn to be more life-like, just forge in some sort of...
Hey, I do not have LIVE right now (ran out) but when and if I get more, can you help me out. This is the sorta thing i'm into but i'm no good at...
Although I havn't played it yet (Live ran out last month)... What people are saying about it have you signed up for my DL whenever I decide I...
...I...I...I don't know what to say. It's unbelievable. How were you able to do this, was it frustrating, and how many times did you want and/or...
The inside did not look too bad, but the ship definately could use more detail and work. I know the budget may seem to go fast, but there are easy...
Looking for two Halo pros with reliable internet connections to complete the Vidmaster: Endure with myself (ODSTpawner) and my friend Gam3r4lif3....
The way I see it. There are two. A newb... which is new to the game or whatever else the subject of the matter is, Or a noob... who is someone who...
Could you make some gametypes for this? I would myself, but you would obviously know more about how the map should be played than i would......
I could use some training on sniping in general. The only time my sniping is good is WaW. In everything else, it takes way too long to line up a...
I just want it for the chest piece... I like it for some reason. Plus it would go better with an ODST helmet than the katana cus the hayabusa and...
Someone should actually try this ^