Plays very well on the slayer gametype have not used it for territories as of yet but probably plays better. Aesthetically the map is also very...
I think 25 - 11? TDM, estate, MW2, Barret FMJ's Ftw :P
When you get a payback money comes out *Facepalm*
Gaming discussion
Left 4 Dead Anytime playing with friends on expert I go super hyper start screaming and all that jazz. Modern Warfare 2 TDM, Highrise I stab...
Thanks! ^_^ And the moogle one would be great most i would love to have some of those bunny ears
For me there should be a lot more blink 182 songs (Greatest band ever)
This is the same with me when I go on it I lag HIDEOUSLY so I am just going to save up and buy a new one. what you want is one that runs Nvidia on...
you told me too
My favourite are the Hello my name is... series mostly as i love the throwing knives so much ^_^ :lol: