this is what a .50Cal would do in real life.
YouTube - Halo Reach - 1 Flag CTF on Powerhouse (2-0) Pretty sweet game, and i got 2 Triple kills. Feel free to subscribe for more vids :P
/fail. If you're going to post a map on this site, put some creativity into it. Claiming others maps as your own is also against the rules....
Google Sketchup?
Not much to say, other than this took 2.4 hours to make and test. Approx 180 attempts. YouTube - How you can tell i'm bored - Episode 1 Feel...
As much as i hate Fat Kid, as everyone else here, the map is very good (For a remake at least.) I never liked this map because it was impossible...
Meh, i might as well get into this. Name: Vespher Game: Platinum FC: 3910 7996 1629
Would this be an MMO? I have been waiting for a good pokemon MMO for YEARS. If it is, i would be greatly interested in helping. Allthough i only...
YouTube- MW2 - 3 Man Riot Shield Clutch Taken during one of my Open Lobbies, in which we played Search and Destroy on Skidrow, with only riot...
Well, thank you for taking the time to watch all my videos and give feedback. But as for the last comment, i would advise you read the text below...
YouTube- MW2 - TDM on Sub base (SPAS-12) YouTube- MW2 - TDM on Underpass (UMP45) (The audio is kind of messed up in this one, sorry.)...
This is a good concept, and you did a very good job on the map. But wouldn't it be better if you put the flag inside the enemies goal, then made...
Sandstorm v2 By xVespherx YouTube- Sandstorm - A Halo 3 Map Please note the following: This video is of the First version of the map The hills...
Alright, ill hop on right now. Is your GT still the same?
You bring up a good point, all though call-outs are not a problem if you have played the original map on CS. But i do understand that many people...
Thanks for all the feedback! :) I have those there to give the "Rocky" feeling that that area of the map had on de_dust2. [IMG]
v2 Available Here! Sandstorm By xVespherx YouTube- Sandstorm - A Halo 3 Map The hills are now much bigger than they are in the video. And yes, i...
Sandstorm Created by Vespher Information This is a map i have been working on for a while, and i finally got the map geometry done. The only thing...
Lets face it. 50% Luck, 50% skill. Feel free to subscribe to my channel! YouTube- Halo 3 - The cool way to end a battle
YouTube- MW2 - What the... I'm still trying to figure out what this is, can anyone help me? Lucky i was recording when i saw this. And this is in...