A juicy special FX, girls might find me more attractive. Alternatively an ordinance drop might come in handy every now and then.. @narfidy,...
Okay so I haven't been on here for like a year, basically because my dad and step-mum broke up and the step-brother kept the xbox, which means I...
This. blame the french.
what about Osama?
in all honesty, I dont care if gadaffi is killed or not. I just want whatever it takes to make him step down. I would even let him run for...
at the moment the coalition forces are too afraid too attack gaddafi forces because they are too close to civilians.. the only way would be to...
my parents are hypocrites, my brothers and sisters are hypocrites, my friends are hypocrites, my teachers are hypocrites, the people who run my...
Not sure if this image has been posted or not, but heres an overview of highlands. http://images.wikia.com/halo/images/1/1b/DMP_-_Highlands.jpg...
This thread is massively outdated as I made it within a week of having the game and when very little was known about framerate lag. There is now a...
but thank you anyway :D
huh? :S its not my birthday :o
I played this once donkey-years ago, and i can safely say any more than 4 players would be a big no-no. All I really remember is coming in...
Amalgram by SecretSchnitzel Heresy by Nyte
You showed me version 2 yesterday, and I've got to say, although I haven't actually played it with the changes, i can tell they are all going to...
@ Hokets, I feel that guide is sort of out dated now tbh (i will get round to updating it eventually), but having said that, it still may provide...
lol nyte needz moar drugs? but seriously, this guy speaks the truth, bases looks pretty much pointless tbh..
omgz i remember watching you forge this one time.. didn't realise it would turn out anything like this :o it looks epic, k?
It would be a lot more helpful if this thread stated WHICH objects need to be labelled for what. Half the time I don't know if I need a capture...
It's assymetrical, but it has a couple of symmetrical features.. To be honest, I do find it a little too gray. There's sections that have colour,...
I really enjoyed this map.. a lot more than i expected to. My first impression when I saw this map was that it looked way too open, and i can't...