Take the pictures in a custom game next time, then the forge spawns ETC are not in the way of the screenshot. Looks good though
I got a perfection on your map today, Grats on getting this in matchmaking :)
I know it's only a little thing, but you can see the grav lift poking out the purple strut, I'd move it up slightly, and this is up to standards...
Is there a way to escape or not? I can't find one...
Fusion Frenzy
Take alcohol.
Make a team instant win the first 2 phases of a invasion game, then play like asset used to, just I noticed the massive flop in my idea: The USNC...
Sorry, but your map needs screenshots or it will get locked. Here is how:...
Well now I think of it again, all the team would have to have the same traits :/ but you've probably though of invasion and just using a last phase?
Alright, I know you probably don't know me, but here is a idea for a somewhat close to asset remake. Want me to message you the details?
Hey, don't want to sound desperate, but my map has been in the testers guild for about a week, and maps posted after it have been tested? If it is...
I know it's unfixable as off now, but the whole reverent physics glitch that randomly launches you is somewhat irritating, but it just added to...
This was disappointing, it's just teleporters flinging you for abit then you get to do it again? :| Also - I died in a rev :|
I'm sorry but looking at the pictures this ain't the one I loved either, you have the tools, yet you still fail to make it the original shape?...
Do you have to type like a retard? S0rry, D0 y0u have t0 type like a retard. Anyway, I love the map, if you ran out of railings, try using...
Well it would be some extreme lag. What i'm puzzled with is why the one block falls slower than the rest?
It varys. Both pictures made by a IRL friend. [IMG] [IMG]
Somebody is a General G4, I can't remember his name though... It was on the Bungie Forums
It could be a modded video? I know bungie are against such things, but I can't see any other way? You can't move that many blocks with 8 people.