bungie pro is not a good idea the videos aren't that good of quality, ur prolly better off with a capture card. It makes it a hell lot easier
if u kill them, it sets an example to all ppl in these days, u got people who repeatedly go to jail for killing someone, and get out and do the...
lol good stuff
lol im getting this game for christmas
he has problems at home...
indeed IT VAZ EPIC!!!
lol you cannot afford these clothes
lolz barrel roll...
good advice!
they would be good desktop backgrounds VERY GOODER.
OMG tooooooooooooooooooooo funny... the penguin waz awesome
Lookin good! i got a name MANGO 2
I wanna try that in matchmaking!!! :D
lol the guy burning on the table...
great! but its pretty easy to grenade jump out of there perhaps u could fix it?
yea thers actually a good technique to winning lure your opponents, fake a lunge (tapping upward on left joystick) and theyll most prollly lunge...
Yea, the map really looks epic!!
oh no, actually that was my initial idea when i was testing the map, i threw the grenade through a kill ball, but the bomb just exploded when it...
cool, wat do u suggest i could add?