Yo what happened! remember me?! I'm playing halo reach like no tomorrow...**** black ops i misses u add me!
All he did was make his camera go slightly under the map and positioned himself.
Hey its me...i saw your post and I would love for you to help. I will be out of town for about two weeks...i will see if i can get some internet...
Okay lolmeister...send me a message on xbl saying its you...or just send me a friend request because I will be going out of town on a 2 week trip...
Wow....that is really good, it looks fun and creative. Now I don't have to go to an arcade to play. Just put in some Halo and load the map and...
Hey guys! I have been with this awesome community for a year now and i want to make a really good map. The map has been started but it will need a...
YouTube - makemebad35's Channel sorry about not embedding, it doesnt really matter to me so if you want to put it up with me send me a message.
Yea, even though I have those achievements, it still was too easy. I know Reach is THE thing right now, but if you couldn't custom Firefight, I...
I hate 10 honestly because it is too fast. Since your on 10, I would really like to see your gameplay. You probably fail at no-scoping unless you...
guess so, but I was brainstorming on the whole idea and wondering what you guys thought. And i hope when you said "next Bungie game" isn't halo...
Well, It would probably take longer for the kill to occur so that is a possible defect, but the guy could come up on a opponent, throw that guy on...
Well boys and girls.....Halo Reach fans in fact. I am not positive IF the Katana is in Reach. Many of you Halo 3 fans know what this is. If you...
Basically, but I added the laugh in their face because you kinda embarrassed them, but I thought it was inappropriate at first to put it in my...
You must have at least one picture or video demonstrating the map.
I think it is balanced. It comes for great use. If you are weak and people are shooting at you, you go into armor lock, EMP them, then beat them...
It looks modded to me. But great job on the map. Forgeed really good and plays nice.
Welcome Shadow, hope you have a great time here making new friends and posting on the maps you like. Can't wait to see your creations, I have a...
Nice map, looks about perfect, just a bit smaller then usual, lol. I like the back, you made the gate have what should look like wires to make it...
Nice map, like the way it is in the water, pretty cool. You did a great job with the symmetry, looks nice and clean. Can you please put in some...
I love the part with the discs, it is really cool. The whole map is nice and clean, no bumps, just right. Great job.