CHALLENGE SERIES: Tall Hall By: MidniteDragon12 & cookiebubba Special thanks to: Yea The Big Ham & ZDagonJ This is the second of my challenge...
This is an old remake of mine. Its a near perfect remake of the Halo 3: ODST firefight map crater. There are a few things that arent 100 percent...
jump over the column, across the tiny bridge and round the double wall blocking you. the rest is self explanatory.
Quad Towers by MidniteDragon12 Quad Towers is the first in a series of challenging map that I am in the process of making. This is NOT a...
Its a one way sheild door preventing you from going any further into the sewers.
Filthy v2 By MidniteDragon12 This is the second version of Filthy. I got some positive feedback on my original map so i decided to take the...
Filthy By MidniteDragon12 & cookiebubba This is a competitive map that takes places within the sewers of the African city of New Mombasa. Take a...
This supports Slayer, Team Slayer, Territoires, Ctf, Assault, Juggernaut, Invasion Slayer, Race, Stockpile, and Infection. This is a remake of...
This map is a remake of the Cauldron Lake Lodge from the video game Alan Wake. This isnt set up for infection or any gametype of the sort, so just...
I apologize for the late description. I had some business to take care of. In this map and game, you and your friends are a group of soldiers lost...
A remake of the Firefight and Campaign map Crater. Recommended for teams of 3-5. NOW FOR THE PICTURES [IMG] Offense Spawn [IMG] Offense...
I like making maps in my free time in halo 3 when im not playing custom games with my friends, so here is one of my maps. This is basically a big...