ok, my list is, girl phreak king concusion The NilZ Erisnas and yes it will only be on the weekends and now we have a...
me and my friend like to play grifball and we wanted to form two teams to play. it is only us so we need at least 6 people
my post is right here look if you need to. it doesnt say how to get under on my first post but it was mentioned later in the thread
i already posted somting exactly like this but the post was locked
i dont like using budget glitched cause it can give me the red ring of death. here is a qote that somone found on bnet....
not all are modded, there is a glitch for cloning
same here, placable and openable doors would be awsome, and also placeacle attaking ai bots
i agree, but are you sure they allow costom games modding and map modding?
i dont think they are either, i just put it there
if you decide you want to make a secret room on your map and you want it hard to find while the map still looks well made then use the following...
if you are using the unlimited buget glitch and you delete somthing you can buy it again by selecting it name in the list and change its run time...
it is very simple to get into a single or double box, just place one, set to place at start to no, start a new round, and walk to it were it...
you said you were working on that since november, the map pack with foundry was only out since december 11
why you arent spawning properly is because the starting area is were you start and respawn points is were you spawn after you die. so when you...
this map has two areas that connect using teleporters, there is one elivator in each area. here are the weapons on the map: 2 energy swords 1...