I hate how I've never been paired with someone in matchmaking that has lower total exp than me. Look at how much EXP i have Down there in my...
. Huh? I clicked the link and it's not on Bungie.net! I've been looking for one of these maps to! X_X
Lol, I didn't think this site would actually remember my b-day XD
Looks very nice. Will be gettin my DL once i get back on halo 3
Really great idea. but relys on honor rules too much. If there were some sort of chess on Halo 3 that didnt have honor rules, I'd definetely...
Re: Honor Rules-Free Soccer Looks awesome can't wait for Complete version. But how do you make the VIP only spawn in a certain spot? I made an...
From what i saw in the video, it looked like the grav lifts were blocked by Fence walls. Why?
Lol, i just had that same idea today! I know exactly what im gonna make over standoff in the sky. I really hope this map works out well though.
Wow, ya know, I never really thought of it like that... Thanks! Once i think my maps are worthy, i'm gonna try to post'em here. To the Drawing...
Every now and then when im bored at school, i come across these great ideas for maps. I got a few great ideas for maps, I just can't think of any...
Ok, im new to this and this is my first post. With infinite monney does it actauuly show you with more than $700? Ever since i discovered this...