They do but most of the time I'm 75% accurate and aided me quite well, and I'm not like those irregular idiots who judge by the cover because they...
ay bro you smoke weed? -------------------------------- Before you reply in a smart ass way let me show you what my precognitive future I...
no rockets but 1 shotty and 1 mauler :)
Foundry: 1v1 Zone Download 1v1 Zone Hey guys this is my last update and I finally figured out what I needed to delete in order to complete my...
Ah came back and wow I agree with all of you, i was just posting this so it was something for you guys to do :) just being courteous :P.
I play on -10 !
Do you think its OK for bungie to charge you for "bungie pro" when you are an xbox live gold paying member ? Do you think Bungie should make...
Sorry for the double post but I'm making sure that people re-evaluate the new updates.
New Updates Please Re-Download 1v1 Zone Thanks to all those who commented and downloaded. :) Updates: Plasma Pistol [img] Invisibility Power up...
well then what should i add to the center? remember there are teleporter doors and sticky nades, so bye bye camper ;) *Map Updated* -- [img]...
thanks guys i try my best :P ya lol its a spawn trap when your playing 2v2 but 1v1 isnt all that bad :) unless your playing with a pro or...
Title: 1v1 Zone :A 1v1 Competitive Mini Map Of Slayer, CaptureTheFlag & OddBall. Download 1v1 Zone Description: (This map is for 1 Versus 1...
huh? O_o
do it then please :3
how come this map looks familiar ? this looks great btw :P
thanx :3 i got more maps but i dont know if i should post them =/ Foundry Maps: Tactical DeathRush - Already Posted DevianGround UNSC Grounds BR...
yes i would like it moved please n thank you :)
sweet recognition
ok so fix mauler sniper battle rifle, ok thanks IL brb :) what section does this belong again? i dont know how to move it :( and thanks for the...
Map Title: DeathRush :A Tactical Level War Objective Map of Slayer And CTF. Pics: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Most used gametype's...